
The queue manages asynchronous requests for network resources.
mapsense.queue.text(url, callback[, t])
Creates a new request for the text data at the specified url. Upon successful completion, the supplied function callback is invoked with the response text.
mapsense.queue.json(url, callback)
Creates a new request for the JSON data at the specified url. Upon successful completion, the supplied function callback is invoked with the response JSON data.
mapsense.queue.xml(url, callback)
Creates a new request for the XML data at the specified url. Upon successful completion, the supplied function callback is invoked with the response XML data.
mapsense.queue.octetStream(url, callback)
Creates a new request for the XML data at the specified url. Upon successful completion, the supplied function callback is invoked with the response data represented as an ArrayBuffer.
mapsense.queue.image(i, url, callback)
Creates a new request for the image at the specified url and associates it with the SVG image element i. Upon successful completion the supplied function callback is invoked.
Removes the specified request from the queue. If hard is specified and the type of request supports such cancelation, the request is canceled even if it has been started. Returns true if the request was found in the queue and false otherwise.